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A Comprehensive Guide To Dental Implants In A Modern Way

Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Blog post cover about A Comprehensive Guide To Dental Implants In A Modern Way

The dental implants industry has been continuously progressing and finding new ways to improve its performance. Of course, new methods and advanced technologies in dental implants have attracted people's attention and had a significant impact on increasing the demand for implants. In this article , you will learn about the modern methods of dental implants .

The health of teeth, maintaining and improving their beauty is one of the most important concerns in the world today. Increasing the beauty of teeth not only brings a beautiful smile but also increases self-confidence and relatively better performance in society. Not having teeth, having broken and misshapen teeth, and other dental defects can make it difficult for a person to express his thoughts and feelings and have a negative effect on the people around him.

As most people realize the importance of dental health every day (both in their personal life and in their professional and business aspects) and pay more and more attention to it, day by day the number of clients who apply for:

  • Artificial teeth (dentures)

  • Dental implant

  • Dental braces

and other cases are added. That being said, the ever-increasing progress and epidemic of dental implants and other dental prosthetics industries are understandable.

What you read in this article:

  1. What is a dental implant?

  2. Methods of planting dental implants

  3. Who can use dental implants?

  4. Preparing for dental implants

  5. Steps of implant implantation

  6. What happens after implant placement?

  7. What are the advantages of dental implants?

  8. What problems can dental implants cause?

  9. What care should I take after implant placement?

What is a dental implant?

Here we briefly introduce the implant to you. A dental implant consists of an artificial root and an artificial tooth that is implanted in your jaw. The implant is usually made of titanium and placed in your jaw during dental implant surgery.

The method of dental implant surgery depends on the type of implant and your jaw bone and includes different steps. One of the best things about dental implants is that the bone will heal around the dental implant and protect your new tooth.

Of course, this process takes time, because it takes time for the bone to heal. Some tips will help to shorten the implantation period and improve the implant. We suggest that with these items in the article, what factors are effective in shortening the dental implant welding time? get to know

Blog post about A Comprehensive Guide To Dental Implants In A Modern Way

Dental implants are the best option on the table in most cases when a tooth is missing or severely damaged. Dentures and bridgework cannot function as well as implants and fill the tooth space delicately.

The biggest difference between implants and other edentulous replacement methods is the preservation of the jawbone and skeleton, and facial deformity due to teeth extraction that used to happen is avoided.

Are dental implants different from natural teeth?

Each dental implant has three main parts, which include the following;

  • A metal screw that plays the role of the root.

  • A base that connects the crown to the root.

  • The crown that is placed on the base.

Blog post cover about methods of planting dental implants

Discover more and read about dental implants

Methods of planting dental implants

Even if you have dental implants, you may not be aware of all the advanced technology used in the procedure. There are two methods for implanting dental implants in dentistry, one is the conventional or traditional method and the other is digital implant implantation.

In this article, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the different methods of dental implant implantation and types of implants.

  • traditional way:

Sometimes the gum is opened using a surgical blade and the bone is exposed and the implant is placed in its exact place and the gum is closed on it. This method is one of the majority of dental works related to implant implantation and is the most common method being performed.

  • Digital method:

Before the surgery day arrives, the patient's entire mouth is scanned by an oral scanner and the mold is sent to the laboratory. Then the patient is sent to radiology. By obtaining the results of these processes, the exact place of the implant is determined by the guide, and the implant is placed in the precise place without causing more damage and often without cutting and moving the gum.

The advantages of this method are that there is minimal damage to the tissue and more success is obtained. Also, with fewer sessions, the patient gets the desired result and does not need to wait as long as the traditional method.

* Note that this method is not feasible for all people and also has a lot of costs and the quality of the patient's bone must be high.

* Note that digital dental implant is not feasible for all people and also has a lot of costs and the quality of the patient's bone must be high.

Computer-designed dental implants

The purpose of using 3D computer imaging is to create a replica of a tooth. This method is much more effective than two-dimensional radiography, which was previously used to create dental replicas. 3D imaging and computerized dental implant design allow the prosthesis to be placed exactly in the right place.

Antibacterial coating

The second new technology in dental implants that has been presented recently is antibacterial coatings. These coatings protect your new tooth from food acids that can be damaging , greatly extending the life of the implant.

Computer guided surgery

One of the most impressive advances in dental science in the field of implants is computer-guided implant placement, which causes the implant to be placed exactly in the right place, and this dramatically increases the effectiveness of the implant and increases success. This type of surgery reduces surprises and the result will be more accurate and reliable.

Dental implant molding methods

Who can use dental implants?

  • Implants for people who have lost all their teeth (The All-on-6 Solution).

  • People who have lost one or more of their teeth.

  • A person whose jaw bone has reached full growth.

  • Someone who has enough bone to withstand implants or is able to undergo bone grafting.

  • People whose gums and oral tissues are healthy.

  • People who do not have underlying problems and their bone tissue repair will not be disturbed.

  • People who do not want or cannot use artificial teeth.

  • People who want to have no problem speaking.

  • People who have no problem with the several-month implant process.

  • People who do not use tobacco.

Preparing for dental implants

Since the implantation of a dental implant requires several surgical steps, performing the procedure requires previous investigations and evaluations. Assessments include the following:

Detailed dental examination

This step can include X-ray and 3D imaging. Models are also made of your teeth and jaw.

Review your medical records

Tell your dentist about any underlying medical conditions and medications you are taking (including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements).

Be sure to let your dentist know if you have heart disease or certain orthopedic implants, as they may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection.

Treatment plan

This plan includes the number of teeth to be implanted and the condition of your jawbone as well as the teeth that will remain in the mouth. Each treatment plan is for a specific patient and the plans differ from one another.

Your treatment plan may require different specialists, and your dentist will inform you and explain the reason.

Blog post cover about preparing for dental implants

Steps of implant implantation

Implant implantation has different steps that must be done regularly and consecutively. Each stage requires the improvement of the previous stage, as a result, the stages are performed when the previous stage is completely improved and completed. The whole process may take months. The steps are:

1. Removing the damaged tooth

At this stage, according to your doctor and during the treatment process, you may need to remove one or more decayed tooth roots, then enter the stage of implant placement. The doctor will discuss with you the best time for tooth extraction.

2. Bone grafting

Bone grafting before implant placement is a simple and light surgery that is usually performed in dental offices. The dentist will make a small cut in your gum until it reaches the bone tissue and then place the bone graft. It takes several months for the bone tissue to multiply and thicken enough.

Is bone grafting necessary?

No! If there is enough bone, there is no need for a bone graft!

If your jawbone is not thick enough or too soft, you need a bone graft to use a dental implant.

Sometimes you need a little bit of bone graft that can be placed during implant placement. It all depends on the condition of your jawbones.

3. Placement of dental implant (root)

To place the implant, the dentist first makes a small incision in your gum to reach the bone, then makes a hole in the bone and places the implant. The dentist will probably take an x-ray image to make sure the implant is properly positioned.

Then the dentist stitches the gum and covers the implant. At this stage, you still have no teeth and there is a cavity in your mouth. To maintain beauty and self-confidence, a temporary denture (artificial tooth) can be used until the placement of the original tooth.

This tooth can be removed from the mouth while sleeping or brushing the teeth.

Discover more and read about Root Canal Treatment

4. Bone growth and improvement

At this stage, the bone should be given some time (perhaps a few months) to grow and multiply and surround the implant and create excellent protection for your new tooth. This part of the implant implantation is called the healing implant period, which plays a very important role in the success of the surgery.

Know the signs of implant screw loosening and seek emergency treatment.

5. Base Placement

The base is a connector and interface between the crown (prosthetic tooth) and the root. It can be placed when the bone around the implant has been taken and gained enough strength.

The placement of the abutment is performed as a light, outpatient surgery, and a local anesthetic is given to relieve discomfort.

To place the base:

  • The dentist will open your gums to access the implant.

  • The base is connected to the implant.

  • The gum is sutured again, but this time it does not cover the base but surrounds it.

6. Placing dental crowns

  • Placement of artificial teeth

At this stage, you will be given a new crown. After your gums have healed, your dentist will re-examine your mouth.

Your specialist prepares a tooth that can be fixed, removable, or a combination of both and places it on the base.

  • movable prosthesis (overdenture)

An implant-supported overdenture consists of a white artificial tooth surrounding a pink plastic part as the gum and is glued and held in place on a metal frame that is attached to the base of the implant.

This prosthesis is easily removed (for washing or repair). Movable prostheses fit on the implant with a push. (Suitable for patients who don't have suitable bones or don't have enough budget.)

  • Fixed prosthesis

There are two types of fixed prostheses; Screw -prostheses and cement prostheses (adhesive)

In this type of prosthesis, the artificial tooth has a permanent connection to the base. You cannot take it off to sleep or wash. Usually, the dentist attaches one tooth to each abutment, but since the implant is solid and stable, several teeth can be attached to one abutment.

Blog post cover about what happens after implant placement

What happens after implant placement?

Immediately after surgery, you will feel discomfort. You may experience the following:

  • Swelling of the face and gums after implant placement

  • Bruising of the facial skin and gums

  • Pain in the implant area

  • Low bleeding

What are the advantages of dental implants?

  • Dental implants provide a solid foundation for fixed (permanent) or removable replacement teeth that are custom-made to match your natural teeth.

These implants are durable and last for years, and even if you take care after the implant surgery according to the recommendations of the dentist, they can last for the rest of your life. This prevents loss of jawbones because there is a "dent" in it to take the pressure of a real tooth.

  • Patients usually prefer to use dental implants rather than artificial teeth and bridges!

However, when there is no tooth to allow a denture or dental bridge to be placed, an implant is the only solution. One of the most important features of implants is that they are seriously protected by the body itself.

What problems can dental implants cause?

Like most surgeries, implant placement may also face risks. These risks are rare, and when they do occur, they are minor and can be cured. The risks you may encounter include the following:

  • Infection at the implant site

  • Damage to adjacent tissues and structures, such as adjacent teeth and blood vessels

  • Damage to the nerve that can cause pain, numbness, and shooting in the teeth, gums, lip, and jaw.

  • sinus problems; When dental implants are placed in the upper jaw, they may protrude through one of your sinus cavities. This issue can be investigated and done with a doctor's diagnosis before implanting a sinus lift surgical implant.

What care should I take after implant placement?

  • Compliance with oral hygiene

  • Visit your dentist regularly

  • Avoiding dangerous and harmful behaviors to oral and dental health

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